
10:51 [REAL ATC] Cessna C172 hits a deer at Livingston KOZW 3:18 Diamond DA 20 Flight - KOZW 13:09 A quick airworthiness verification flight and a busy traffic pattern at KOZW 2:05 Winter Landing at KOZW 3:07 Diamond DA20 Landing at KOZW 0:52 KOZW Takeoff 0:55 Small plane crashes at Livingston County airport 11:56 First Flight Lesson KOZW Livingston County Airport, Cessna 172 with Garmin G1000 1:28 KOZW-KYIP C172SP G1000 1:02 Da-20 landing KOZW-KLAN 0:44 Two Osprey tilt-wing aircraft take off from the Spencer J. Hardy Airport in Howell. 1:03 Marine helicopter at Spencer J. Hardy Airport 2:50 Flying with Tony Arbini into the Livingston County Spenser J, Hardy Airport (KOZW)-Howell, Michigan 1:35 short landing KTEW 0:27 Smokin One Arrival at KOZW September 21, 2015 1:00 TBM900 Landing - OZW 1:15 C172 departing kozw 0:36 AT-6 Take off KOZW 7:26 KSAW KOZW IR 01Sep2020 10x 6:50 Landing at KOZW - Livingston Airport, Howell,MI

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